the woman in the window
by: cora attias-inzano
tears dropped upon the windowsill,
below the woman in the window
she sat there with tears in her eyes
knowing the marriage was not right,
yet it has only been a week
leaves fell from the trees
and snow graced the ground
and yet
tears dropped upon the windowsill,
below the woman in the window
children toiled in the sprouting grass,
growing big and strong
but yet
tears dropped upon the windowsill,
below the woman in the window
small footsteps hit the floor behind her,
tiny hands wrapping tightly around her waist,
managing to pull her from the window
“Gramzie!” they shout
and a smile crawls across her weathered face
“Oh my darlings” she coos
grasping a tiny hand in her smooth hands
“how I have missed you so”
they pass by the man in the doorway,
the younglings unaware of the tension buried below
and yet
when they are near
tears no longer hit the windowsill,
below the woman in the window,
for they bring the joy and happiness she was missing all those years.
I love you Grandma
