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Quarantine diaries: 'the new normal'

DAY 117. 17/07/2020

Dear diary,

The new normal is the newest buzz word that's been thrown around a lot during this crisis. ‘You have to get used to the new normal', 'the world how it was before will cease to exist.’ This wasn't something I truly understood until I went to see some friends today. It felt alien seeing every on the tube wearing a mask, not sitting next to each other, walking six feet apart on the escalator.

It felt crazy that the same time that I was snapping pool side summer photos with my best mates, an hour later I'm reposting on my story an article about how yet another black person was murdered and yet another story was covered up.

I guess this is the new normal. I never thought of myself as political. But I also don't think my basic human rights shouldn't be seen as politics. I don't know how longer I can cope in this new normal. I can't tell yet if it's better than life was before.



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