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Opinion: The Pro-Life Community’s Silence Speaks Volumes - by tevleen Singh

Opinion: The Pro-Life Community’s Silence Speaks Volumes

To my fellow American citizens who have publicly declared themselves to be “pro-life,” your silence right now is astounding. It speaks louder than your graphic images of women undergoing private procedures. It speaks louder than all your Instagram story reposts in support of the Heartbeat Bill. In fact, your silence is the loudest thing in the world right now.

Recently, a whistleblower who previously worked at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Georgia has come forward and exposed the mass amount of covert hysterectomies taking place in detention facilities. Numerous detained women have given testimonies claiming that women go in for basic procedures involving their reproductive organs and emerge having been forced into hysterectomies. Oftentimes, women don’t understand why they must have these procedures and feel as though they are being experimented on. Not only is the removal of a body part without one’s consent unconstitutional, it is also morally wrong. For all the opinions supporters of the pro-life movement have on women’s bodies, they seem awfully quiet once immigrant women are being harmed on American soil. Is the removal of a uterus not a method of preventing pregnancy? Is disposing of the eggs inside a woman’s body not murdering potential life, the way you claim abortion is? I am unable to answer these questions because I am not a member of the pro-life community and I do not want to speak on behalf of them. However, I am, again, able to notice the community’s collective silence.

The silence that spans the pro-life community is not just an individual one. Multiple organizations known for their vocal representation of the pro-life cause have posted articles recently, but none of them report the evil inflicted on womens’ bodies in ICE detention facilities. As of September 17, 2020, the National Right To Life News, the March For Life organization, All American Life League, and the EWNT have not posted regarding the crisis of women’s reproductive health, a cause they seem to care so deeply about. These organizations are just a few of the active platforms that have refused to voice their opinions and help the cause by informing their supporters of the issue. Ultimately, this is a habitual action present within the pro-life community — extreme vocality in the name of life being a gift when women are having abortions performed, but radio silence when other issues impact the lives of those same women and children.




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