When I was young, I watched the world around me with fascination,
Always wishing to be older and more mature.
I longed to finally experience it for myself,
To see the world with mature and knowing eyes,
To not be innocent of the world as I once was.
Now, as the years pass me by
I have caught a glimpse of the world as it truly is
And I grasp the bit of childhood I have left as tightly as I can.
Every now and then,
It brings me back to when I was younger
When I saw the world through a rainbow colored lens,
The colors undamped by the horrors and flaws of the world.
They are more like dreams than memories
Like watching a movie in my head
But I am the main character
There are no plot twists, villains, or insurmountable obstacles
It is just me and the limitless world, painted however I wish it to be.