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21st Century love

21st century love

I don’t care boys.

I don’t care about big Jane Austen whirlwind romances.

I don’t want to be in love.

I don’t want my life and happiness to depend on another person.

21st century love is complicated.

People use love to control each other.

The main word they use to justify themselves when they cheat, when they lie, when they leave.

Love is trust; but does anyone truly trust anymore.

21st century love is looking through your partners’ phone.

Because boys will be boys and all men cheat.

21st century love is where men beg women for nudes but turn around and call women sluts.

21s century love is where men get away with raping women but then turn around and victim blame.

I’m too scared to fall in love.

Every relationship I’ve ever seen has crashed and burned.

because men are trash.

Not all men;

But enough to make me cynical.



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